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PIRAMID ATEX is certified under the EU ATEX 94/9 EC – EN 50014-18 standards and is specifically designed to ensure perimeter intrusion detection and safety in high-risk environments prone to explosive hazards. These environments
FM Global is a leading global organization focused on testing and certification, ensuring that products for preventing property damage in industrial and commercial facilities meet high standards of quality and performance. The FM-approved product
Gallagher Command Centre's alarm management platform has unveiled its latest update, version 9.10, introducing an innovative feature that enables employee digital ID cards to be added to Apple Wallet. With this functionality, users can
VESDA Smoke Pen The smoke pen functions similarly to a mechanical pencil, featuring refillable wicks that fit inside the pen. Simply expose 10 millimeters of the wick, light it with a lighter or
The employee trip organized by Provision Technology has successfully concluded, and all staff members have returned to their respective roles. We sincerely appreciate our clients for their support and understanding during the event. Moving forward,
博見與有榮焉成為力積電銅鑼廠新建案供應鏈的一環,亦感謝受邀參加今日銅鑼廠新廠啟用典禮。在此也預祝力積電,再創科技榮景! 新聞引自: 工商時報 2024.05.02 詳讀新聞
內容引自 臺北市政府消防局第三大隊消防 臉書 2023/12/20 感謝博見科技股份有限公司 熱心捐贈12導程心電圖機套組 博見科技股份有限公司為回饋社會,迄今已捐贈本局1組戰術穿透擴音器,本次肯定本局執行緊急救護工作的功蹟與辛勞,特別捐贈本局第三大隊2組12導程心電圖機套組及360片智慧電極貼片,捐贈典禮於今(20)日假本局第三大隊民權分隊舉行,由本大隊 #王證雄大隊長 代表接受捐贈並頒贈市府感謝狀️表達本局衷心感謝之意 博見科技股份有限公司專門於企業安全防災預警工程⚠️,不僅跨領域獨步創新,為避免因災害所造成的損失,亦持續強化安全監控系統,深耕於各大企業、住家及廠房 心臟疾病是我國十大死因第二名 ‼️,消防局救護人員第一時間可藉由現場12導程機器判讀心電圖,立即將相關數據傳輸至急救責任醫院,啟動醫院心導管團隊預作準備,爭取黃金急救時間✅,提高患病預後及康復出院的機率。 Service From Heart To Action,我們將秉持著博見科技所展現的理念,持續精進救護專業職能,讓市民的生命受到更完善的保障 閱讀原文
內容引自三軍總醫院-松山分院 臉書 2023/12/14 承蒙博見科技股份有限公司惠贈敝院「旗艦型電動床」10張,由院長詹正雄少將代表接受,卓董事長致詞時表示,為讓「善的循環」持續下去,公司常年支持、捐贈基層警、消及醫療單位各項物資,只要警、消及醫護同仁照顧好自身,相信就能夠協助更多需要幫助的人;本次捐贈有效增強本院緊急照護資源,厚植區域醫療量能,促進軍民合作並增加地方福利,善心義舉,特此申謝 閱讀原文
Thank you for visiting our booth at the Taipei International Building Materials Exhibition. Thanks to the presence of the advanced industry and officials at all levels, the exhibition was made a complete success! We apologize
VESDA-E Particle Detection Unit Discontinued After thorough evaluation, it has been determined that utilizing a PC as a server poses potential hacking risks to the VESDA-E particle detection software. As a result, the